Seishinkan is a martial arts association that teaches both modern and traditional Koryu Japanese martial arts.
The traditional arts studied are Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaijutsu, Ryoen Ryu Nagainata-jutsu, and Daito Ryu Aiki-jujutsu.
The modern martial arts extend the traditional styles by teaching the students to adapt to unpredictable situations.
The guiding principle used in Seishinkan is that the traditional and modern styles reinforce each other. The mindset of the samurai is preserved in the koryu sword and naginata patterns we study, while the modern jujutsu gives contemporary relevance and fosters a fighting spirit.
Seishinkan is the New Zealand representative of Komei Juku and the Nihon Koden Bujutsu Iaido Renmei